YS Sharmila Criticizes Government Negligence in Seed Distribution to Farmers

AP Congress President Y.S. Sharmila criticized the negligence of the Agriculture Department, stating that while farmers were initially happy about the arrival of irrigation water under the Nagarjuna Sagar Right Canal, the government’s carelessness has become a curse for 400,000 farmers. She accused the coalition government of failing to make seeds of high-demand crops available to farmers. Sharmila expressed her concern that the government’s actions are completely dashing the hopes of farmers, who were optimistic about moving from crop holidays to cultivating fallow lands.

“What is the point of deploying police to guard and issue tokens? Why are counters being closed after distributing tokens to just a few? Why are farmers being pressured to buy seed varieties favoured by the government instead of what they asked for? How can you leave women standing in the rain for seeds? Are you just going to watch while there’s a stampede?” Sharmila questioned the government’s actions.

She further demanded that within 48 hours, 15,000 quintals of JGL-384 seed variety be made available to farmers. She also insisted that this seed variety be included in the subsidy list and called on the coalition government to put an end to the black market activities, on behalf of the Congress Party.

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