YSRCP MP Vijayasai Reddy said that he did not even know who KV Rao was, who had complained against him in the Kakinada Seaport case. He said that he had never even called him over the phone. Vijayasai Reddy explained that he had informed the ED (Enforcement Directorate) officials about the same.
Vijayasai Reddy was questioned by ED officials for 6 hours in Hyderabad on the transfer of shares related to the Kakinada Seaport and SEZ. The ED officials, who had previously questioned Vikrant Reddy, son of former TTD Chairman and YCP leader YV Subba Rao, in the same case, questioned Vijayasai Reddy based on the statement he gave.
He said that a total of 25 questions were asked. MP Vijayasai Reddy said that he was questioned on the allegations made by KV Rao. He said that he did not know who KV Rao was, but he did not know why he mentioned his name. He said that he had not met KV Rao anywhere.
He revealed that many people meet him on various matters and that he had never called KV Rao on the Kakinada Seaport. He said that he is asking KV Rao to come to Tirumala Swamy and that if his complaints are true, he should tell them in front of Venkateswara Swamy.
He said that he will talk to the truth in the presence of Swamy himself and asked him to bring the call data records of the month of May. The MP said that if it is found that he called KV Rao, he will admit his mistake, and if KV Rao’s statement is true, then both of them should be made to sit face to face and questioned.
He explained that he is an MP and does not know anything about what is happening in the government. He also said the same when asked by the ED officials, and that he has no business relations with Sarath Chandra Reddy except for his family relationship. Vijayasai Reddy said that he did not know about the Kakinada Ports affair until he received the lookout notices and that if the complaint given by KV Rao is found to be wrong, he will file a defamation case against him.
The CID also has registered a case against Vijayasai Reddy in the case of forcibly snatching shares worth Rs. 3,600 crore in Kakinada SeaPorts Limited and Kakinada SEZ from KV Rao during the YSRCP regime. The ED has registered another case and taken up the investigation.