The AP government has decided to make WhatsApp governance services available in the state from Thursday, which will be officially launched by IT and Education Minister Nara Lokesh. With this, government services will be available in the hands of the people. The fruits of government governance will be available to citizens with just one click on the mobile phone they want.
With this WhatsApp governance, which will be introduced for the first time in the country, 161 services will be available in the first phase. There is a possibility of revolutionary changes in the lifestyle of the people with WhatsApp governance.
Officials said that Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu, who has earned his fame as a high-tech CM, has worked hard to make this system available in the state. They said that this system will greatly contribute to the people getting direct and fast results of governance.
CM Chabndraabu held a review on the implementation of WhatsApp governance at the Secretariat on Wednesday. Officials gave a presentation to CM Chandrababu to this effect. Officials explained to the CM how those who want to avail services through WhatsApp can choose their options.
The government will make more services available in the second phase. As part of the first phase, about 161 services will be introduced in various departments like Endowment, Energy, APSRTC, Revenue, Anna Canteen, CMRF, Municipal etc.
The CM clarified that for the first time in the country, WhatsApp governance system is being introduced in the state and the practice of citizens roaming around government offices for certificates will be put an end to.
The CM said that precautions should be taken to prevent citizens’ information from falling into the hands of cyber criminals, and officials should be vigilant in that direction. He suggested strengthening forensic and cyber security.
The state government had signed an agreement with Meta on October 22 last year to provide services through WhatsApp. At a time when the government is taking steps towards making Andhra Pradesh a leader in the use of digital technology, this mechanism will facilitate the speedy delivery of governance and government services to citizens.