Hyderabad: Actor Vijay Deverakonda is set to venture into uncharted territory with a British-era period-action drama. Known for his experimentation with family dramas, love stories, and sports-themed films in recent years, Vijay has struggled to replicate the commercial success of Geetha Govindam. In a bid to redefine his cinematic journey, the actor is now focusing on distinctive and unconventional narratives.
Vijay is currently working on a film directed by Jersey fame Gowtam Tinnanuri, which is scheduled for a summer 2025 release. In addition, he has signed a project under the direction of Taxiwala fame Rahul Sankrityan. This upcoming film, set in the 19th century, will be based on real historical events that occurred between 1854 and 1878. The film’s unit has revealed that it will explore unique aspects not previously depicted in Indian cinema.
As part of the production, a grand set is being constructed, with the groundwork officially launched on Republic Day. The film is being produced by Naveen Yerneni and Y. Ravi Shankar under the banner of Mythri Movie Makers, with a working title of VD 14. Further details about the film are awaited.