Tollywood actor Kiran Abbavaram is set to welcome a new chapter in his life as he prepares to become a father. Taking to social media, Kiran shared a heartfelt post featuring his wife, Rahasya Gorak, with her baby bump, captioned, “Our love is growing by two feet.” The announcement has been met with an outpouring of congratulations from fans and well-wishers.
Kiran tied the knot with Rahasya, his co-star from the movie Raja Varu Rani Varu, in August last year.
On the work front, Kiran recently delivered a hit with the film Ka. His next project, Dilruba, is generating buzz, with its teaser showcasing a unique love story. The film’s makers have promised an innovative narrative that has already intrigued audiences.
Kiran’s successful filmography includes notable hits like Raja Varu Rani Varu, SR Kalyana Mandapam, Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha, and Ka. His fans eagerly anticipate his upcoming releases.