Telangana Minister D. Sridhar Babu showered praise on Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu at the Davos venue. He said that Chandrababu, who served as the Chief Minister of the United AP, is an inspiration to them and called him a technology icon.
Speaking at a media conference in Davos, he said that the summit is continuing in a very encouraging manner and there is healthy competition between states. “I am happy that investments are coming to our country. Maharashtra is ahead of everyone else in attracting investments. We will compete with that state in attracting investments”, he said.
Sridhar Babu said that Telangana is growing as an industrial state and he is confident that it is going to emerge as a leader in the IT sector. Presently, he said that the state is at the top in agriculture and dairy. Telangana’s goal is to become a one trillion economy, he said.
The Minister said that there is 80 percent progress in the agreements made with various companies last year. “We are inviting world-class companies to the state. Chandrababu, who served as the CM of the joint AP, is an inspiration to us. Chandrababu is a technology icon, he added.
Meanwhile, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy met Rishad Premji, Executive Chairman of domestic tech giant Wipro, on Thursday. The company came forward to set up a new center in Gopanpally, Hyderabad. He promised to set it up in three years.
An agreement was signed with the state government to this effect. The establishment of the new center will provide employment and employment opportunities to another 5,000 people in the state.
Telangana team led by Revanth Reddy was able to sign MoUs with investments of Rs. 56,300 crores in a single day. Of these, Sun Petrochemicals came forward to set up a huge pumped storage hydroelectric and solar power project in the state with Rs. 45,500 crores.
Similarly, Control S Data Centers Limited has announced that it will set up a state-of-the-art AI (Artificial Intelligence) data center cluster in Hyderabad with an investment of Rs. 10,000 crore.
Leading global technology company HCL has announced that it will set up a new tech center in Hyderabad and an unmanned aerial systems manufacturing unit in the state. For this, it is going to invest Rs. 800 crore. About 10,000 people will get direct and indirect job opportunities through the respective agreements signed with the Telangana government.