TDP MP Lavu seeks centre’s Intervention To Expose YS Jagan Regime’s Massive Land scams

TDP MP Lavu Srikrishna Devaraya has alleged the state for massive land scams during the previous YSRCP government. In this context, he has appealed to the central government to intervene in this matter and cooperate in restoring land rights to the real owners.

During Zero Hour in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday, he raised the issue of land scams that took place in the state during the previous Jagan government and exposed them. He alleged that 40,000 acres of assigned lands were illegally converted into freehold. He stated that this caused a loss of Rs. 14,831 crore to the government exchequer.

He also urged the center to conduct an impartial inquiry into the misuse of central funds during the previous YSRCP regime. He made a key suggestion to the center to approve the new Land Resurvey and Titling Act amended by the AP government.  

He also complained that YS Jaganmohan Reddy wasted Rs. 700 crores of public money by painting statues on the boundary stones. MP Lavu Srikrishna Devarayalu also explained that Rs. 3,000 crores were misused under the house site patta scheme with illegally allocated prohibited lands.

On the other hand, he lamented that urban lands worth Rs. 4,939 crores were seized in Visakhapatnam, Tirupati and Chittoor with fake documents. He expressed his anger that the YCP has tied up lands to its loyalists by obstructing his authority by making changes in the AP Land Titling Act 2022.

He said that the coalition government is investigating several irregularities that took place during the five-year rule of the previous YCP. As part of that, he said that it has already exposed several corruption and irregularities. There are allegations that land scams were too numerous to count during the previous government’s rule, he added.

The TDP MP revealed that the names of many key leaders of the party also came to light. During Jagan’s rule, he said that the key announcement of three capitals and development in three areas was made by the then CM and YSRCP chief YS Jagan. But everyone knows that the steps he took for them were nothing, he said.

He stated that there are allegations that the YSRCP leaders have occupied a huge amount of land in North Andhra too. In the wake of such allegations, TDP MP requested the Center in the Lok Sabha to expose the land scams that took place during the previous YSRCP government.

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