TDP, Jana Sena, BJP Joint Manifesto Highlights

* First signing on Mega DSC

* Increase in social pensions to Rs.4,000 (applicable from April 2024)

* Three gas cylinders free per year

* Free travel in RTC buses for women

*  Increase in pension for disabled persons to Rs.6 thousand

*  Rs.4,000 pension for BCs after 50 years of age

*  Rs.1,500 per month for every female above 18 years

*  20 lakh jobs for youth in five years at the rate of 4 lakh per annum

*  Allowance of Rs.3 thousand per month for unemployed youth

*  Rs. 15,000 per year for children studying under `TallikI Vandanam’

* Investment assistance to farmers at the rate of Rs.20,000 per year

* Volunteers’ honorarium increased to Rs.10,000

* Two cents in urban areas and 3 cents land in rural areas for house and construction of houses

* Sand is free.

* Special law for protection of BCs

*  Free tap connection to every household and clean drinking water supply

* Repeal of Land Rights Act

* Assurance that electricity charges will not be increased

* Free electricity for handloom workers up to 500 units I

* Giving Rs.1 lakh as a wedding gift

* Revival of foreign education scheme

* stop selling of inferior liquor and regulationof prices.

* Rs. 1.50 per unit of electricity for Aqua farmers.

* Renewal of schemes for SC, ST, BC, Minorities

*  Special policies and schemes for handloom weavers

*  An honorarium of Rs. 25,000 for Nayi Brahmins working in temples

* Financial assistance of Rs.20,000 to fishermen during hunting break, to cancel GO 217 and financial assistance for boat repairs

* A special corporation for goldsmiths and support them

* Interest free loans up to Rs.10 lakh to Dwakra societies  

*Interest free loans for small traders

* Inauguration of ‘Kalalaku Rakkala Padhakam’ for girl child education

* Rs.10 lakh subsidy for MSMEs and StartAp companies

* Implementation of 10 percent EBC reservation brought by NDA

* Consultation with the Center for 33 percent reservation for BCs in the Legislative Assembly

* Expenditure of Rs.1.50 lakh crores in five years through BC subplan

* Review CPS of employees and appropriate remedial action

* Outsourcing and justice for Anganwadi employees

*  To spend Rs. 15,000 crores for the welfare of Kapu ⇨

* Equipment with Rs.5,000 crores annually under Aadharana scheme

* Justice for the upper caste poor as well

* To build houses on already sanctioned sites  

*  200 units of free electricity to Dobi Ghats

* 10 percent reservation in liquor shops for Geetha workers

* 15% reservation in quarries for Vadderas. Exemption in Royalty, Scenarios

* Rs.10,000 under government stipend for advocates

* Continuation of Amaravati as capital

*  Generic drug stores in every mandal

* Anna canteens will be set up

*  Health insurance of Rs.25 lakh per family in the state

*  Digital health cards for all

* To build a Hajj House in Vijayawada

*  Release of Job Calendar annually

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