Demand for Nara Lokesh as the Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh is increasing among the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) cadres over the last few days. This discussion was triggered during a public meeting by Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu in Maidukuru, YSR district, on the death anniversary of NTR. During the meeting, Kadapa District TDP President Srinivas Reddy proposed that Nara Lokesh may become the new Deputy CM stating it is apt that the organization develops the current leaders of their successors. Hence he requested his highness to pass his resolutions across the system by which eventually support for appointment became widespread by everybody.
Following Reddy’s comments, several prominent TDP leaders, including former minister Somireddy Chandramohan Reddy, former Pithapuram MLA SVSN Varma, Raghurama Krishnaraju, and Rajahmundry Urban MLA Adireddy Vasu, publicly expressed their backing for the proposal. They emphasized Nara Lokesh’s dedication to the party and his hard work, calling for his promotion to the position of Deputy CM. This growing wave of support sparked a lively discussion on social media platforms, with Jana Sena supporters also chiming in, calling for Pawan Kalyan to be made the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. These overlapping demands led to heated debates between TDP and Jana Sena factions online.
In light of the growing conversation, TDP leadership has intervened, issuing a directive to its members to refrain from publicly discussing the matter. The leadership urged party leaders not to make statements through the media on this sensitive topic. The TDP emphasized that any decisions regarding the coalition government would be made through comprehensive discussions with all coalition partners, ensuring that no individual opinions would dominate the conversation. To manage the situation effectively, TDP’s central office reportedly reached out to its spokespersons, instructing them to communicate the leadership’s stance.