Surprisingly Chandrababu Restrained During Delhi visit!

TDP chief and AP Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu during his first official visit to national capital New Delhi, after taking charge as chief minister for the fourth time, seems to have maintained a very restrained attitude.

Though he succeeded in projecting himself as keen on development of the state, for which seeking Centre’s assistance, but not bother about power-sharing, he seems to not highlight immediate pending issues pertaining to the state.

Being the crucial supporter to Narendra Modi- led NDA government at the center after TDP emerged as the second largest party in the alliance, he was hailed as the ‘King Maker’ by the national media. He had earlier enjoyed such a status during the United Front and Vajapayee-led NDA governments. He used to play a key role on the issue of key decisions like election of the Speaker.

But, even after BJP lost its majority in the Lok Sabha and dependent on TDP and JDU for its survival, Prime Minister Narendra Modi hardly consulted allies on key decisions. Not a single key ministry was given to alliance parties.

As Bihar assembly elections are approaching, JDU chief Nitish Kumar started raising his voice seeking `Special Category Status’ for his state. A resolution was passed by the state assembly and also at the JDU national executive meeting.

However, till now not a TDP leader mentioned this issue. In a strategic move ahead of Chandrababu’s New Delhi visit, BJP’s minister from AP B Srinivasa Varma gave a statement stating that special status is an issue to be decided by the Prime Minister, but not through resolution. Indirectly, he cautioned Chandrababu not to raise this issue at Delhi.

Though Chandrababu asked both Prime Minister Modi and Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman for release of sufficient funds for completion of Polavaram project, he did not specifically mention Centre’s delay in approving revised estimations of the project.

Moreover, at the end of his Delhi visit, the TDP chief told the media that he did not bargain for cabinet berths for his party MPs. BJP offered two berths and accepted, he said. Moreover, on the issue of Deputy speaker, he said there was no proposal from the BJP and even TDP also did not ask for it.

Chandrababu’s tone is revealing that he has decided to patiently wait to see how Modi’s government will move this time and focus on his administration. As BJP cannot efford to lose TDP’s support, he seems to be confident that he can protest AP interests in his own way.  This time, he may not be a ‘king maker’, but certainly will be `unavoidable partner.

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