Director Sukumar’s wife, Thabitha, became emotional while discussing their daughter Sukrithi Veni’s debut film Gandhi Tatha Chettu during a recent press meet. Reflecting on Sukrithi’s decision to cut her hair for the role, Thabitha shared, “No teenage girl would typically want to undergo such a change, but Sukrithi chose to cut her hair for the film, and it brought tears to my eyes.”
Sukumar, who was seated as a guest, immediately stepped up to the stage to comfort his wife. The film is set to release on the 24th of the month, and the press event marked an emotional moment for the family.
Thabitha further discussed the film’s creation, stating, “When director Padmavati first discussed the project, I told her Sukrithi could sing but not act. But Padmavati had faith in Sukrithi’s talent and moved forward with the film. We wanted to create a movie without the director’s daughter tag, and our goal from the beginning was to win awards. We are thrilled to have achieved that.”
Sukrithi Veni stars in the lead role in Gandhi Tatha Chettu, directed by Padmavati Malladi. Sukrithi’s performance earned her the Dadasaheb Phalke Film Festival Award for Best Debut Child Actor, along with recognition at prestigious events such as the Dubai International Film Festival, International Film Festival of India, and several other film festivals. The film won Best Film at the Noida International Film Festival, Jury Best Film at the New Delhi Film Festival, and Jury Best Film at the Jaipur International Film Festival and 8th Indian World Film Festival.