Sisodia Report Says Conspiracy Behind Madanapalli Files Burning!

Sisodia, Principal Secretary to the Special Government of Revenue, reported to the government that the fire in the Madanapalle Sub-Collector’s office could not be caused by an electrical short circuit. He asserted it was a conspiracy.

Moreover, he recommended the suspension of former RDOs Murali, Hariprasad and senior assistant Gautam Tej, who are believed to be responsible for this mishap. He submitted a detailed report on the file burning episode to the government.

He reported that there is no possibility of electrical short circuit and concluded that outsiders had deliberately set the files on fire. The government sent Sisodia there to receive complaints about land grabs in Madanapalle division. After receiving petitions from the victims, he reported to the government what he observed there for two days.

He said that the damaged CC cameras were not repaired as part of this conspiracy. A total of 2,440 files were burnt and 700 files were saved, he said. All these are related to the lands excluded from the prohibited list. It is said that 14,000 acres of scattered lands have been regularized in the names of private individuals and the documents have been burnt to prevent these irregularities from coming out.

He expressed suspicion that former Minister Peddireddi Ramachandra Reddy PA and key followers may be involved in this incident. Former RDO Murali played a key role in removing lands from the prohibited list. He said that there is doubt about the role of RDO Hariprasad who came after him.

Sisodia reported to the government that both of them were involved in corruption in land affairs. He said that senior assistant Gautam Tej played a key role in the manipulation of records. He suggested that the three should be suspended.

Sisodia suggested that the lands removed from the prohibited list should be added back to the list based on the memos and orders sent from the Collectorate to the Sub-Collectorate.

Meanwhile, the state government is reportedly planning to receive similar complaints from the victims of land grabbers in Ongole and Visakhapatnam also on the lines of Madanapalle. A decision will be taken soon about what to do with Sarada Peetham and other institutions that got government land at a low price in Visakha.

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