Revanth Reddy’s clout At Rahul Gandhi Is said To Be weakened!

After Lok Sabha elections, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy’s clout with Congress ‘supreme leader Rahul Gandhi is said to be weakened. As a result, he is unable to expand his cabinet and also failing to get nomination to his nominee as new TPCC president.

Among three Congress-ruled states in the country Himachal Pradesh resources are very limited and Karnataka is locked in severe corrupt accusations against its Chief Minister and other top leaders. As a result, Telangana is the only state which is feeding resources for the functioning of the Congress party and providing elections funds.

Till Lok Sabha elections, Congress high-command used to give top priority to Revanth Reddy’s opinion in all decisions related to Telangana. Even his nominees were fielded as party candidates, ignoring party seniors in several constituencies. However, after the party failed to put an impressive show in Lok Sabha polls and it was confined to 8 seats, on par with BJP, the party high-command said to be losing its confidence on his leadership potential.

As a result, now it has become difficult for him to get immediate appointments with Rahul Gandhi or Priyanka Gandhi, Moreover, they are avoiding his invitation to visit Telangana. Other senior leaders from the state, who are opposing his style of functioning, are said to be feeding on his unilateral attitude that is affecting interests of the party.

Soon after Lok Sabha elections, Revanth Reddy announced the expansion of his cabinet on July 4. But he was forced to postpone several times as the party high- command is not giving green signal to his choice in this regard.

Recently Pocharam Srinivas Reddy was appointed as the government advisor and Gutta Amit Reddy was appointed as the chairman of the Dairy Corporation. But due to discontent from party circles, as the high-command did not approve his action, they are unable to take charge till now.

With regard to his claims on loan waiver also failed to impress the party high-command and Rahul Gandhi practically avoided attending a proposed function to celebrate the loan waiver. It is learned that Revanth Reddy appealed three times, but Rahul turned a blind eye. Rahul Gandhi bluntly refused stating that when farmers are protesting against non-fulfilment of loan waiver promise, how can he attend such a programm?

Revanth Reddy’s own cabinet colleagues’ said to be complaining of loopholes in his governance. To impress the Gandhi family, Revanth Reddy suddenly decided to install Rajiv Gandhi’s statue in front of the Secretariat, by inviting Sonia, Priyanka and Rahul. But they avoided a lot of criticism towards the attempt of installing the statue in the place where the `Telangana Thalli’ statue was proposed.

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