Actress Renu Desai recently addressed her son Akira Nandan’s potential entry into films during a press meet in Rajahmundry. Expressing her excitement, Desai shared, “Wherever I go, the most common question I face is about Akira’s entry into the film industry. As a mother, I am more eagerly awaiting it than anyone else. However, it entirely depends on his decision. He will step in when he is ready.”
When asked about her own return to the industry, she jokingly responded, “How many second innings should I have? (laughs) It has already happened four or five times. After taking a long break from films, I became a judge on a dance show in 2017. Later, I worked in the TV industry and did a film with Ravi Teja two years ago. In between, I also directed a project. Currently, I have three films in hand. So, my work continues as usual.”
Renu Desai also spoke highly of Rajahmundry, saying, “I have never seen such beautiful locations as in the Godavari districts. The lush green fields between Vijayawada and Rajahmundry filled my heart with joy. It’s like heaven. Being in this area is a blessing.” She voiced support for the government’s decision to hold film shoots in the region.
Reflecting on her career, Renu Desai shared, “It’s been almost 22 years since I last worked on an advertisement, and I am very happy about it. I love being part of ads, and I never planned to return to films, it’s all destiny.”
Desai’s thoughts on Akira’s film career are not new, as she has previously shared her anticipation. Meanwhile, Akira is currently honing his skills at a film school in New York and has also learned to play the piano, with aspirations of entering the industry.