Energetic actor Ram is all set to captivate audiences with his upcoming romantic film, RaPo 22, directed by the talented P. Mahesh Babu, renowned for his work on Miss Shetty Mr. Polishetty. The film is moving forward at a rapid pace, and as a special treat for the New Year, the makers have released a fresh poster introducing Bhagyashri Borse as Mahalakshmi, the female lead opposite Ram’s character, Sagar.
In the newly revealed poster, Ram and Bhagyashri share a heartfelt moment, with Bhagyashri expressing genuine concern for Sagar, while Ram’s charming presence adds a captivating touch to the frame. Their natural on-screen chemistry is expected to be a highlight of the film, making it a sweet, romantic ride full of warmth and youthful energy.
The music for RaPo 22 is being composed by the talented duo Vivek-Mervin, which will surely provide an engaging soundtrack to complement the film’s tone. The film is already creating a buzz under the banner of Mythri Movie Makers, produced by Naveen Yerneni and Y Ravi Shankar. Ram is optimistic about this film as he had some past films that didn’t perform as expected.
With its heartwarming storyline, refreshing chemistry, and youthful vibes, RaPo 22 is shaping up to be a perfect feel-good entertainer. Fans can’t wait for more updates as the release date approaches.