The highly anticipated film SSMB 29, directed by Rajamouli, has set the cinematic world abuzz. After delivering global blockbusters like Baahubali and RRR, Rajamouli’s collaboration with Superstar Mahesh Babu is expected to break new grounds at the box office. The film, which has been generating immense excitement, is slated for release in the coming months.
Reports confirm that the film’s shooting has already commenced in foreign locations, although some scenes were quietly shot in Hyderabad’s Aluminum Factory. Rajamouli’s recent visit to Kenya’s Amboseli National Park in October to scout locations further adds to the intrigue surrounding the project. The team, including Rajamouli, Mahesh Babu, and Priyanka Chopra, is said to have departed for Kenya, where filming is believed to be ongoing.
Priyanka Chopra is nearing confirmation for the film’s leading role, although an official announcement is yet to be made. Her post on Saturday hints at her finalization for the part, and industry sources suggest Rajamouli carefully selected her. However, this has led to mixed reactions from Mahesh Babu’s fanbase, who have expressed concerns about the age difference, with Priyanka being 42 and Mahesh Babu seven years younger. Some fans argue that the pairing might not have the desired on-screen chemistry.
Despite the fan debates, SSMB 29 is already one of the most awaited films, with expectations soaring as it nears production milestones.