Prasanth Kishor Predicts Jagan’s Shocking Defeat

Prominent election strategist Prashanth Kishore has predicted Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy and his party YCP will face a terrible defeat in 2024 polls. Prasanth Kishor, who played a key role in Jagan’s resounding victory in 2019 polls with a huge margin being YCP’s poll strategist, made it clear that in this election he will suffer a heavy defeat.

In a TV interview, he said that Jagan will be shocked with the results  on June 4 and it will be difficult to understand the defeat for him. He revealed that he conveyed his prediction to YS Jagan when met he him  a year and half ago in Delhi. However, he said that Jagan didn’t accept his assessment at that time.

According to his prediction, there are many reasons that may lead to Jagan’s defeat, but not a single or two mistakes. He felt that after getting a massive mandate in 2019 polls Jagan kept doing wrong after wrong.

Kishor said that in a democracy people elects leaders, but not kings. But unfortunately some consider themselves as kings and fail to recognize their mistakes. He said that the main mistake that Jagan committed was that he felt it is enough to put some money in people’s accounts and they may not bother other things.

In the process, he was unable to invest on roads or build a capital. Prasanth Kishor asserted that the democratically elected leader’s responsibility is to provide welfare, education and jobs, and to balance the aspirations and immediate needs of the people.

But, he said that Jagan thinks they will vote for him in the name of Jagan’s welfare. Moreover, he observed that the attitude of CM Jagan `you should not question me’ is not a characteristic of a leader. But, he said it is characteristic of a developer. Prashant Kishore said that Jagan will be shocked by the results

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