A significant update has been announced for Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming film Hari Hara Veeramallu. The makers revealed that the first single from the movie, titled “Maat Vinahali,” will be released on January 6 at 9:06 AM. In a special twist, Pawan Kalyan himself has lent his voice to the song.
This marks Pawan Kalyan’s return to playback singing after several years, following his previous songs in a few films. His fans are eagerly anticipating this musical release. The film’s music is composed by Oscar-winning music director M.M. Keeravani, and the movie is directed by Jyothi Krishna. Actress Nidhhi Agerwal stars alongside Pawan Kalyan in this much-awaited project. Hari Hara Veeramallu is slated for release on March 28.