Officials Inspected Illegalities At Balineni’s close Relative venture

Revenue and police officials conducted inspections at YSRCP leader and former minister Balineni Srinivasa Reddy’s close relative’s  venture in Ongole. During the previous YSRCP regime, the government took action on the complaints against the construction of villas undertaken by Balineni’s daughter’s father-in-law on the Ongolu-Yarajarla road in the name of Srikari Developers.

Complaints have been received by the government that large scale gravel has been illegally moved from the hills of Yarajarla for the construction of the venture. It seems that thousands of lorries were used to transport the gravel in violation of the court orders not to do quarrying in the hills.

Complaints were also received that sand required for the construction of villas was smuggled in the ventures. Along with this, there are allegations that the government’s land was encroached for the construction of the venture. With the change of government, the revenue, mining and police officials took action based on the complaints received.

There has been criticism since the beginning of soil movement to Srikari Empire Villas. There are allegations that millions of trips of soil were removed from Yarajarla hills near Ongole by taking permission to move soil from Dhenuvakonda in Addaki constituency of Bapatla district.

Hills were leveled in the name of housing sites for the poor near Yarajarla. This soil containing iron ore was illegally moved to the villa project by obstructing the authority at that time. However, the authorities took no action.  

Earlier this was allotted to Zimpex for iron ore extraction, but it was stalled due to a court dispute and pattas distribution was stalled. So, they were illegally using this for Srikari Villas.

TDP leaders Peddireddy Suryaprakash Reddy and Somishetty Subba Rao Gupta alleged that they converted cattle’s water pound for a swimming pool and poramboku stream land for a parking place.

Former minister Balineni Srinivasa Reddy himself admitted in a recent press conference held in Ongole that the 24 cent cattle water tank is true and they have abandoned it.

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