After wrapping up his forthcoming Bollywood debut film War 2, NTR will join forces with KGF director Prashanth Neel for a full-length action flick which is rumoured to be titled as Dragon as per industry circles. The regular shooting is expected to commence in Summer this year and the makers of this highly anticipated film already announced that it will target Sankranti 2026 release.
For this big-budget entertainer, Neel has reportedly decided to retain his core technical team which previously worked with him for KGF series and Salaar. Reportedly, he roped in Ravi Basrur to render the soundtrack and Bhuvan Gowda to crank the camera for NTR’s film. As he scored massive success with these technicians in the last three outings, Neel wants to stick to the same team for NTR’s film as well.
Yesterday, a new photo featuring Neel, NTR and Ravi Basrur was out to confirm the news. Ravi Basrur gave a pulsating score for all three films and his background music played a crucial role in elevating some of the key action and emotional episodes.
During his recent interview, Neel spilled that NTR’s film will be a period drama and not a mythological thriller. Speculation is rife that the film is based on the hardships faced by Indian community in Bangladesh after independence and separation of country. How NTR turns out to be a saviour for them is said to be the plot point which drives the narrative.
Neel has not yet announced the cast of the film. It will be shot in different countries. Mythri Movie Makers will bankroll the film on a massive budget.