Notification of New Excise Policy To Be Issued Today

The notification regarding the new excise policy in AP is likely to be released Monday evening or Tuesday morning. Governor Justice Abdul Nazir signed and approved the Ordinance brought by making amendments to the Andhra Pradesh Regulation of Trade in Indian Made Foreign Liquor and Foreign Liquor Act so that the liquor retail business can be handed over to the private sector.

The Ordinance file has reached the Law Department from the Governor’s office. The department will publish a notification in this regard in the gazette today. As soon as this legal process is completed, the Excise Department will issue orders detailing the procedures for the new liquor policy, acceptance of applications, dates for drawing lottery and selecting licensees.

Excise officials expect to complete the process of issuing licenses by October 10 and 11. New liquor shops will start soon. Before June 2019, the liquor retail business in Andhra Pradesh was run by private traders. Government issues licenses to them.

After YSRCP came to power, the law was changed so that only APSBCL or any other government corporation could manage the entire retail business on behalf of the state government. In this order, private business has been prevented by law.

The coalition government has decided to hand over the management of retail business to the private sector. In this background, the law changed by YSRCP had to be amended again. At present, due to the absence of legislative sessions, the ordinance is being passed.

Due to some technical reasons and slight differences in wordings, the law department sent back the document to change them. After correcting them, they were sent to the governor’s office and approved there. The government will issue a notification for allotment of 3,736 liquor shops. Of these, 340 shops will be reserved by Kallu Geetha for professional castes.

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