Education Minister Nara Lokesh inaugurated the Dokka Seethamma Midday Meal Scheme at Payakapuram Junior College in Vijayawada on Thursday. Addressing the media after the event, Lokesh affirmed that the state government is fulfilling all its election promises in a phased manner, while also rolling out additional welfare schemes.
“We are implementing the midday meal scheme for Intermediate students even though it was not part of our election manifesto. This initiative reflects our government’s commitment to improving the education sector,” Lokesh said.
Taking a dig at opposition leader Jagan Mohan Reddy, Lokesh invited the Pulivendula MLA to step out and witness the developmental works undertaken by the government.
“There’s no harm in Jagan coming out to understand the people’s issues. The roads are now well-maintained, and he can travel safely. We still have a lot of work to do, and we will fulfill all our commitments,” Lokesh remarked.
He further announced that the ‘Thalliki Vandanam’ scheme, aimed at promoting respect for mothers, will be launched in the upcoming academic year.
Responding to criticism from the opposition, Lokesh highlighted the financial burden inherited from the previous administration.
“The state is reeling under debt due to the mismanagement of the previous government. We are paying ₹4,000 crore in interest on loans taken earlier. Despite this, we have introduced several welfare schemes, including the ₹4,000 pension scheme, which is the highest in the country. We have reopened Anna Canteens and have already implemented the free gas connection scheme,” Lokesh explained.
He reiterated that the government is not afraid of challenges and will continue to prioritize the welfare of the people through direct engagement via initiatives like Prajadarbar.