Nara Lokesh, National General Secretary of Telugu Desam Party (TDP) and Andhra Pradesh Minister, feels that the party will come back in full swing in Telangana. Nara claims that though challenges abound, TDP is still a great force among people in the state. In fact, more than 1.60 lakh persons have already joined TDP, which shows growing interest for TDP without even an elected member in the state. Lokesh also announced that the party is having discussions internally to improve its roots in Telangana and promised an official announcement will be made soon regarding the future activities of TDP in the state.
Lokesh reflected on NTR’s profound contributions to both cinema and politics during his visit to Hyderabad’s NTR Ghat to honor TDP founder Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao (NTR) on his 29th death anniversary. He spoke passionately about NTR’s pioneering policies, like rice at ₹2 per kg and granting women property rights, which had a long-lasting positive impact on the state and its people.
Lokesh added that TDP will rejuvenate the party in Telangana by rebuilding its basis and consolidating party influence there.
TDP had seen luck in Telangana Legislative Assembly elections when Telangana was bifurcated in 2014 and did well with the Telugu Desam Party in Hyderabad back then. However, the TDP influence in Telangana began to erode as N. Chandrababu Naidu, leader of TDP and Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, concentrated on Andhra Pradesh. This made some of the high-profile leaders exit the party and thus created a leadership crisis. The statements from Lokesh reveal that he intends to overcome such problems and bring back TDP’s influence in Telangana.