Many Sections Deserted YS Jagan Due To His `Minority Appeasement’!

Interesting facts are coming to light while analyzing the humiliating defeat of YS Jaganmohan Reddy in the recent polls, that shocked even his political adversaries. His excessive love towards In the campaign to impress the Muslim voters, Jagan’s excessive love towards them and also his identification with Christian minorities is said to have led to desertion of several communities away from him.

It may be recalled that several people in key positions in Jagan’s regime identified themselves with Christians, though technically most of them are Hindus. To attract Muslims, he warned that 4 percent reservations would be scrapped if TDP alliance comes to power, due to alliance with BJP.

YCP has given 7 seats to Muslims minority candidates. But most of them were facing severe charges of irregularities and they were hardly favourites of Muslims community. Starting from the Deputy Chief Minister to the former IAS, tickets were given to those who faced severe corruption charges.

In Vijayawada and Guntur there is also opposition among the local Muslim voters against the candidates. Their own community members are alleging that they were harassed by them during Jagan’s regime.

Jagan’s keen focus on minorities, treating them as his strong `vote bank’ led to discontent among SCs and other sections, who are in large numbers. This has led to alienation of Jagan among some sections of his erstwhile supporters.

Jagan’s frequent warnings that there will be no minority reservations if the BJP comes to power made the rest of the communities wary. As a result Jagan failed to get minority votes en-mass, but created suspicion among other sections. Even his own party cadre is unable to digest Jagan’s excessive focus on minorities.

Moreover, TDP chief Chandrababu Naidu succeeded in sending a clear message to Muslims community that during his earlier regimes besides his alliance with BJP, he had never gone against Muslim interests. With regard to Muslims welfare, he succeeded in convincing them that his government’s performance was far better than Jagan’s regime.

He asserted that his alliance with BJP will not step him in continuation of 4 per cent Muslims reservations and also implementation of his welfare agenda for them. In this regard, Jagan’s track record failed to convince those sections.

At this juncture, minister Ambatii Rambabu’s statement that after elections they will support only BJP-led government at the center and in no circumstances they will support a Congress-led government. This has exposed Jagan’s `duality’ with regard to his relations with BJP.

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