Talented Telugu lyricist Anantha Sriram made shocking comments during the ongoing ‘Haindhava Shankaravam’ in Kesarapally of Andhra Pradesh. The event under the aegis of Vishwa Hindu Parishad saw lakhs of attendees to call for unity towards protecting Sanatana Dharmam and Hindu culture and safeguarding temples from encroachment.
Anantha Sriram slammed filmmakers for distortion of facts relating to Hinduism by taking cinematic liberties for the sake of commercial benefits. He directly pointed that the makers of recent mythological epic Kalki 2898AD, which stars Prabhas in the lead role, misrepresented Karna as a saviour and a noble character by ignoring the fact that he was a mute spectacle when Draupadi was disrobed in Mahabharata. Sriram pointed out that epics are cornerstones of Hindu literature, but they are frequently misinterpreted for entertainment purposes.
He appealed to Hindus to boycott films which undermine our history and culture and also degrade our values without paying any attention to the facts. Sriram revealed an incident where one music director refused to score music because of the term “Brahmanda Nayakudu” in the song. He said he stopped writing songs for him after that incident.
He expressed displeasure that not just in Kalki, but across Indian mythology, films have twisted the original stories from epics like the Ramayana and Bhagavata Purana to suit the filmmakers’ preferences. Sriram also pointed whether Hinduism would accept such misrepresentations, adding that films like PK, which mock Hindu practices and deities, should not be banned without any second thoughts.
Sriram sought the intervention of government to boycott films that denigrate Hinduism. However, he emphasised that even if such a ban is not implemented, Hindus should actively boycott films that misrepresent their faith.
Sriram’s controversial and open criticism about our filmmakers has now become a trending topic all over.