“Love Me – If You Dare”, a horror romance film helmed by the newcomer Arun Bhimavarapu marks his debut with spine-chilling romantic horror. The film stars Ashish Reddy, the nephew of ace producer Dil Raju, and Vaishnavi Chaitanya as the main leads. The film is bankrolled by Harshith Reddy, Hanshitha Reddy, and Naga Mallidi under the esteemed banner of Dil Raju Productions.Â
Recently, the filmmakers took to social media to announce the release date. The makers unveiled the release date poster and have locked in the release date for Ghost Love in Summer, which is scheduled to hit theaters on April 25, 2024.
In the latest teaser, the film promises an intriguing combination of romance and horror, assuring an exhilarating experience for the viewers. As the film prepares to hit theaters, fans are eagerly anticipating its release.
The film’s feature musical score was composed by the legendary M.M. Keeravani. The technical team includes PC Sreeram as cinematographer and Santosh Kamireddy as editor.
Ashish Reddy’s latest cinematic venture, ‘Love Me: If You Dare,’ represents his third foray into the world of film. Meanwhile, Vaishnavi Chaitanya collaborated for the second time with Anand Devarakonda for their upcoming untitled film, and she also collaborated with Siddu Jonnalagadda for ‘SVCC37’.