Former Minister and BRS working president KT Rama Rao said that he will face the ACB case and the ED notice legally. He said that the Formula-E race case is the first case filed by the ACB without corruption.
Moreover, he alleged that this case was filed against him after trying to implicate him in some or other case for over six months. He ridiculed that it was the sixth failed attempt of Chief Minister Revanth Reddy.
He said that if he had allowed the Formula-E race as a minister then, it would have been canceled by Revanth Reddy. He made it clear if he is to be arrested in this case, Revanth Reddy also should be arrested for taking a unilateral decision.
KTR said that if the Assembly Speaker fails to take a decision on the disqualification pleas against defected MLAs they will approach the Supreme Court. Anyhow, he is confident that during this year defected MLAs will be declared disqualified and by-elections in their constituencies are certain to be held.
He said that the Congress is cheating by not giving reservation to BCs and demanded that 42 percent reservation be given to BCs in the local body elections. He warned that there will be a rebellion from the farmers if the state government failed to honor promises made to them during elections.
He commented that KCR knows when to show his trump card and come out among the people. He recalled that the AG does not have the answers to the questions asked by the judge in the Formula E race case.
He alleged that Rs. 12,000 crores were being lost in the RRR case, and that the poor were being robbed by eyeing Khajaguda lands. He commented that Rs. 1.38 lakh crores were being borrowed and Rs. 1000 of crores were being sent to Delhi during one year of Congress regime.
Referring to producer and FDC Chairman Dil Raju comments against him, KTR expressed his sympathy towards him stating that he has his own problems, as he has two films to be released soon.