Kishan Reddy Criticizes Hyderabad Demolition Drives, Questions Government Policies

Central Minister Kishan Reddy has raised concerns over the ongoing demolition of encroachments in Hyderabad, including those at N Convention. Speaking to the media, Kishan Reddy criticized the government for creating what he termed as a “drama” under the name of “Hydraa.” He pointed out the irony of the government, which had previously issued permissions for illegal constructions, now overseeing their demolition. Kishan Reddy demanded clarification on how these permissions were granted in the first place.

Kishan Reddy emphasized the need for a comprehensive and uniform approach to addressing illegal constructions, criticizing the selective enforcement that targets some structures while others remain unaffected. He also accused previous Congress and BRS governments of permitting encroachments on lakes and ponds, only for the current administration to now demolish these structures. Noting ongoing allegations against several constructions, including N Convention, Kishan Reddy questioned the rationale behind the demolitions given that the government had previously provided infrastructure and services to these areas. He called for a thorough discussion on the matter.

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