Kannada producer Pushkara Mallikarjunaiah has raised allegations against the Telugu film Hi Nanna, starring Nani, accusing the makers of adapting his film Bheemasena Nalamaharaja into Telugu without acquiring the necessary remake rights. Mallikarjunaiah took to Instagram Stories to express his frustration, questioning how such unethical actions were allowed to take place. His post has since gone viral on social media.
Directed by Shouryuv, Hi Nanna is a family drama that centers on the father-daughter relationship. Nani’s performance as a father garnered widespread praise, and the film, produced by Sudhakar Cherukuri under Vyra Entertainment, became a box office success in 2023. Mrunal Thakur plays the female lead alongside Nani.
In response to the allegations, Bheemasena Nalamaharaja is a drama film that premiered on OTT in 2020 due to the pandemic. Directed by Karthik Sargur, it starred Aravind Iyer, Arohi Narayan, and Priyanka Timmesh in pivotal roles. The film explores the life of Latesha, a chef who unexpectedly meets Sara and shares his love story with Veda Valli. The story delves into the relationship dynamics between Sara and Latesha, offering an intriguing narrative.**Pushkara Mallikarjunaiah Alleges Hi Nanna Was Made Without Remake Rights**
Kannada producer Pushkara Mallikarjunaiah has raised allegations against the Telugu film Hi Nanna, starring Nani, accusing the makers of adapting his film Bheemasena Nalamaharaja into Telugu without acquiring the necessary remake rights. Mallikarjunaiah took to Instagram Stories to express his frustration, questioning how such unethical actions were allowed to take place. His post has since gone viral on social media.
Directed by Shouryuv, Hi Nanna is a family drama that centers on the father-daughter relationship. Nani’s performance as a father garnered widespread praise, and the film, produced by Sudhakar Cherukuri under Vyra Entertainment, became a box office success in 2023. Mrunal Thakur plays the female lead alongside Nani.
In response to the allegations, Bheemasena Nalamaharaja is a drama film that premiered on OTT in 2020 due to the pandemic. Directed by Karthik Sargur, it starred Aravind Iyer, Arohi Narayan, and Priyanka Timmesh in pivotal roles. The film explores the life of Latesha, a chef who unexpectedly meets Sara and shares his love story with Veda Valli. The story delves into the relationship dynamics between Sara and Latesha, offering an intriguing narrative.