Telugu film industry woke up to a big shock as Income Tax Department officials have reportedly raided the properties of notable production houses owned by Dil Raju and Mythri Movie Makers today morning. Surprise checks were carried out in different locations in the houses of close aides belonging to both these producers. The outcome of these search operations are yet to be known.
Dil Raju is one of the leading producers in Tollywood. Recently, he was nominated as Telangana Film Development Corporation chairman by the government. He produced 58 films and distributed hundreds of films under his Sri Venkateshwara Creations banner. Two his films released for Sankranti festival. While Ram Charan’s Game Changer, which was made on a staggering budget of 200 Crores, failed to succeed at the box office, Venkatesh’s Sankranti ki Vastunnam hit a jackpot with stupendous collections.
On the other side, Mythri Movie Makers owner by Naveen Yerneni, Ravi Shankar and Mohan Cherukuri emerged as a top production house by bankrolling numerous big-ticket films in the last decade. Their biggest pan-India film Pushpa 2 collected close to 2000 Crores gross worldwide.
As per reports, IT sleuths formed as several teams and raided the premises of both these production houses. They have carried out the joint operation at the houses of relatives and associates belonging to Dil Raju and Mythri producers. They have raided the houses of Dil Raju’s daughter and brothers as well.
This is not the first time as such raids are quite common in Tollywood because of the massive circulation of money through film production.