Hydra Commissioner Ranganath Comments on Owaisi Hospital and Janwad Farmhouse

Hydraa Commissioner Ranganath made significant remarks regarding Owaisi Hospital and the Janwad farmhouse during a media briefing held by Hyderabad and Musi Riverfront officials. A reporter raised concerns about the hospital, which, although located within the FTL jurisdiction, is perceived as protected from demolition due to political considerations.

The reporter questioned why the government appears hesitant to demolish Owaisi Hospital, suggesting that it is granting a six-month extension under the guise of avoiding disruptions to the academic year. The journalist noted that while demolitions have affected poorer neighborhoods, those families have not received adequate attention from authorities.

Responding to the inquiries, Ranganath acknowledged that complaints have been lodged against several educational institutions, including Owaisi, Mallareddy, and Palla Rajeshwar Reddy colleges. He assured that all parties involved are being given ample time, emphasizing that this timeline is meant to consider the future of the children. He confirmed that necessary actions will be taken once the academic year concludes.

When pressed about Owaisi’s challenge to Hyderabad and the government, Ranganath declined to comment further on the matter. He clarified that their focus is primarily on larger establishments, noting that while smaller entities may exist within villas, they are often supported by more influential figures.

Regarding the Janwad farmhouse, Ranganath stated he would not comment as it falls under the jurisdiction of GO 111, which is outside his area of authority. He reiterated that discussions would be limited to issues within their jurisdiction.

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