During the official meeting of Karimnagar district, MLA Huzurabad Padi Kaushik Reddy stunned everyone by verbally attacking Jagtial MLA Sanjay Kumar out of the blue. According to eyewitnesses, in a sudden outburst, Kaushik Reddy apparently questioned Sanjay Kumar’s political allegiance, hollering at him, “Which party do you even belong to?” The witness claims that this took the situation so far that it left Kaushik Reddy reaching out to Sanjay Kumar with a confrontational attitude, making colleagues intervene to calm down the situation.
Speaking to the media afterward, Kaushik Reddy did not hold back. He made sharp comments against Sanjay Kumar, questioning his integrity and even making derogatory remarks.
The whole altercation seems to have arisen from Sanjay Kumar’s defection from the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) to the Congress party recently. Sanjay Kumar had clarified that his move was due to personal reasons and has not said anything critical against BRS leaders, including KTR and Kavitha. Still, Kaushik Reddy took the official meeting as a stage to revive the issue, and now he is facing criticism for his behavior.
Political analysts and observers have condemned Kaushik Reddy’s actions, especially considering Sanjay Kumar’s seniority and stature in Telangana politics. While political disagreements and criticisms are not unusual during party defections, using a formal government meeting to launch personal attacks has been labeled unprofessional and unnecessary.
Speculation is rife that Kaushik Reddy’s dramatic behavior may be an attempt to curry favor with senior BRS leaders like KCR and KTR. However, this approach, while garnering temporary media attention, risks tarnishing his reputation in the long run.
Adding a layer of irony to the situation is Kaushik Reddy’s own political history. He began his career with the Congress party, reportedly securing opportunities through his familial connection with senior Congress leader Uttam Kumar Reddy. Eventually, he switched allegiance to the BRS, citing ideological reasons. Now, his over-the-top loyalty to the BRS has raised questions about his political maturity and strategy.