Huge lobbying For BJP Chief’s post In Telangana

There is a fierce competition going on to stake claim for the post of BJP chief in Telangana. After sacking Bandi Sanjay Kumar from the coveted post in 2022, party loyalist Kishan Reddy was handed over the responsibility to lead the party in the State. The recent electoral performance in the Loksabha elections has given a new lease of life for the party there. 

As Kishan Reddy was elevated to the post of central cabinet minister, the high command is looking for an alternative in his place as per the party’s ‘One post per person’ policy. Besides Kishan Reddy, Bandi Sanjay was also inducted into Modi’s cabinet. Now, there is massive lobbying in Delhi for the next chief of the party in Telangana. 

Surprisingly, those who have been with the party as staunch supporters and those who defected from other parties are equally in the race for the top post. Mahaboobnagar MP DK Aruna, Nizamabad MP Dharmapuri Aravind and former MLC C. Ram Chander Rao are the forerunners to grab the prestigious position. These leaders are reportedly using all their connections with the Delhi leaders to occupy the hot seat. 

Besides these leaders, others like Muralidhar Rao, Eetela Rajendra and Raghunandan Rao are also having consultations with the party sources in Delhi to nominate them for the post. So far, the BJP top brass hasn’t yet come to a conclusion over the new chief’s post. 

Ram Chander Rao went to Delhi to meet the party leaders in Delhi and lobby for the post. As he hails from Brahmin community, there are good chances that the core committee of BJP will consider his candidature. Meanwhile, Eetela Rajendra is hoping that his cordial relation with Amit Shah will make him a strong contender for the position. On the other side, DK Aruna is also in the race as a senior leader who played a significant role in the party’s success story in Telangana. Muralidhar Rao is also expecting good news from the party high command. 

As per reports from Delhi, the BJP is likely to take feedback from both cabinet ministers Kishan Reddy and Bandi Sanjay Kumar before finalising the party chief in Telangana. 

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