Minister Komatireddy Venkat Reddy has shed light on the ongoing inquiry into the Hyderabad Outer Ring Road (ORR) lease agreement. He alleged that former Minister Harish Rao had advocated for the formation of a Special Investigation Team (SIT) on the ORR toll lease to target KCR, his uncle, and KTR, his brother-in-law. Komatireddy stated that Chief Minister Revanth Reddy initiated the SIT after Harish Rao raised concerns during an Assembly session.
The Minister also spoke about discrepancies surrounding the Formula E car racing event, asserting that significant offenders have already been identified. He expressed optimism that similar irregularities in the ORR toll lease would soon come to light and hinted that those found guilty in both cases could face imprisonment.
Minister Venkat Reddy gave an update on the long-pending Regional Ring Road (RRR) project, saying that it had been stalled for over six years. He attributed its revival to the state government’s consistent efforts to engage with the Centre and push the project forward.
The official confirmed that the tendering process is underway, with construction to start by March. The Minister also talked about his personal involvement during the process, mentioning his hard work in Delhi before the project could take an upward curve. He extended thanks to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Minister Nitin Gadkari who had given him support as well as approvals for pushing the project back on tracks
The Minister emphasized the significant positive impact the RRR project would bring to the state’s infrastructure and economic growth. He commended the collaborative efforts of the government in advancing this critical initiative and assured citizens that there would be no further delays in its execution.