Actress Keerthy Suresh, who recently married her longtime beau Antony Thattil in a grand ceremony, has finally shared details about her magical love story and dreamy wedding. In a candid interview, the actress revealed how their 15-year journey began during her 12th grade and blossomed into a lifetime commitment.
“Antony Proposed to Me in 2010”
Keerthy reminisced about the early days of their relationship. “We spent a fun month together before I casually told Antony, ‘If you’re brave, propose to me.’ And guess what? He did! That was back in 2010. By 2016, things got more serious, and he gave me a promise ring, which I wore until our wedding. If you’ve watched my movies, you might have spotted it,” she said with a smile.
“He’s Seven Years Older and My Biggest Support”
Calling her wedding a dream come true, Keerthy described it as an emotional and unforgettable moment. “We’ve been in love since our school days. Antony, who’s seven years older than me, has been working in Qatar for six years. He’s my biggest cheerleader, always supporting my career. Having him in my life feels like pure luck,” she added.
A Love Story Hidden from the Spotlight
While fans speculated about her love life, Keerthy revealed that only a handful of people knew the truth. “We decided to keep it private until our wedding was finalized. Samantha, Vijay, Atlee, Priya, Priyadarshan, and Aishwarya Lekshmi were among the few who knew about us,” she shared.
“We Dreamed of This Wedding Since 2022”
Keerthy also revealed that marriage was on their minds for a while. “Antony’s a private person, so we avoided public displays of affection. We first traveled abroad together in 2017, and two years ago, we went on a solo trip. By December 2024, we finally tied the knot. Since then, I’ve proudly worn my mangalsutra at all promotions. It’s sacred and powerful to me, and I’ll soon replace it with a gold chain on an auspicious day,” Keerthy said, wrapping up with a heartfelt smile.