“Dakshina” Telugu Movie Review

Movie Name : Dakshina

Release Date : October 04, 2024

Cast : Sai Dhanshika, Rishav Basu, Sneha Singh, Ankita Muler, Naveen, Karuna, Hima Sailaja, Magna Choudhary etc.

Director : Osho Tulasiram

Music Director : Balaji

Telugumopo.com Rating : 1/5


In the city, a series of murders of girls is taking place. A psycho kidnaps girls found alone, violently strikes them on the head with a blunt object, and kills them. He then beheads their bodies. To tackle this case, a female ACP steps in, accompanied by Dakshina (Sai Dhanshika), a girl who embodies a masculine demeanor, as they both undertake the investigation. Despite their efforts, the murders of girls continue. However, Dakshina is also searching for the psycho for a personal reason. What tragedy has the psycho caused in Dakshina’s life? Who exactly is Dakshina? Ultimately, is the psycho caught? This forms the rest of the story.


Sai Dhanshika delivers a layered performance, adeptly capturing the complexities of her character. Her subtle expressions and emotional range, combined with her strong physicality, enrich her portrayal. Sneha Singh offers a capable performance, despite her somewhat limited screen time. Rishav Basu excels in his role, demonstrating impressive body language and mannerisms that effectively animate his character. While Karuna Bhushan and Meghana Chaudhary have only short appearances, the remaining cast members also feature in minor roles that leave a negligible impact on the film.

Osho Tulasi Ram, known for his enthralling thrillers, seeks to deliver another chilling experience with Dakshina. Unfortunately, the film does not live up to expectations, as it fails to generate any genuine suspense or intrigue. The premature introduction of the psycho character lessens the tension, and his actions lack the gravitas needed to instill fear. Additionally, the reveal regarding Dhansika feels lackluster, missing the dramatic impact it aims for.

The film is plagued by illogical and absurd scenes that challenge the audience’s tolerance. The lack of excitement and gripping moments ultimately leads to disappointment. Tulasi Ram’s deficiencies extend beyond the narrative and screenplay; his direction lacks the craftsmanship necessary to elevate the material.

The technical department appears to have also lost its edge, reflecting the film’s overall unimpressive quality. Balaji’s music is adequate, and the background score enhances the narrative. The production values are generally subpar.

Overall, Dakshina comes across as an illogical crime thriller. Osho Tulasiram’s film does not live up to its potential, suffering from a lackluster script and inconsistent direction. It struggles to engage viewers, failing to leverage the talents of its cast and crew effectively. The weak storyline ultimately undermines the film’s impact, leaving audiences feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied.

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