Former Minister and YSRCP Krishna District President Perni Venkatramaiah (Nani) has lost ration rice in his godown. Rice worth about Rs. 90 lakhs has not been accounted for in this godown rented by the State Civil Supplies Corporation. The company’s MD Manjeer Jilani has issued orders to conduct a thorough investigation into this.
Orders have been issued to double the fine for the rice loss and take criminal action against the owner of the godown. Accordingly, Nani will have to pay a fine of about Rs. 1.80 crore and face criminal cases. The godowns with a capacity of about 40,000 metric tons belonging to Perni Nani in Machilipatnam, Krishna district were rented by the Civil Supplies Corporation in 2020 during the YSRCP regime through the State Warehousing Corporation.
It pays a monthly rent of up to Rs. 5 per bag. It is used as a buffer – investor godown. All the management here is taken care of by private management. The Civil Supplies Corporation only supervises. The warehouse owner is the manager and other staff. The district manager, under the corporation, has to check the stocks from time to time.
On the 27th of last month, Perni Nani wrote a letter to the district joint collector Geetanjali Sharma, stating that there was a shortage of rice in their warehouse due to sudden movement of rice, and that about 3,200 bags were missing, and that they were ready to pay the amount. Following this, the officials conducted inspections on November 28 and 29.
The officials wrote a letter to the Civil Supplies Corporation MD asking him to inform them about the shortage of 3,700 bags (185 tons) of rice during these inspections and what action should be taken in this regard. According to government figures, the value of the rice that was lost is Rs. 89.72 lakhs at the rate of Rs. 48,500 per ton of rice.
The MD has issued orders to collect double the fine for this and register criminal cases. Speaking on this, Civil Supplies Corporation District Manager Padmadevi said that they will once again thoroughly examine the details of the rice buffer stock in the godowns and the distribution of the same.
The report will be submitted to the government and criminal action will be taken along with double the fine for the shortage of rice. She revealed that the godown will be put on the blacklist.