Congress leader and Bhuvanagiri MP Chamala Kiran Kumar Reddy has expressed strong disapproval of an anchor who mistakenly forgot the name of Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy during the Telugu Mahasabha event. Reddy suggested that the incident may have been part of a deliberate conspiracy, questioning the professionalism of the event organizers and the anchor.
In a statement to the media, Reddy questioned, “Who organized the Telugu Mahasabha? Do the organizers lack wisdom? Does the anchor lack basic education?” He further emphasized the importance of accuracy, saying, “Even as an MP, I refer to papers when I speak. How can an anchor not know the names of the Chief Ministers of the Telugu states?”
The incident occurred when the anchor, while welcoming the CM, mistakenly referred to him as “Kiran Kumar,” saying, “Our beloved leader, the Chief Minister of Telangana, Honorable Kiran Kumar.” After being corrected by someone in the audience, the anchor promptly apologized, saying, “Sorry, our beloved leader, the Chief Minister of Telangana, Honorable Revanth Reddy.” Reddy expressed his anger over the error, alleging a deeper motive behind the slip-up.