Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy held a meeting with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella at the latter’s residence in Banjara Hills. The CM was accompanied by IT Minister Sridhar Babu and Chief Secretary Shanti Kumari. The discussions reportedly focused on the Telangana government’s flagship Skill University project and other strategic IT initiatives.
Telangana has consistently maintained a strong partnership with Microsoft, facilitating significant investments in the state. Recently, agreements were signed to create approximately 4,000 jobs at the Hyderabad Microsoft Center. During the meeting, the progress of these agreements and potential collaborations in the state’s Skill University were key points of discussion.
Chief Minister Revanth Reddy is said to have presented the government’s vision for developing Future Cities and AI Cities in Telangana, inviting Microsoft to play a pivotal role in these ambitious projects. The state also aims to establish a Center of Excellence in Cloud Computing, with Microsoft as a strategic partner.
Additionally, the CM sought Microsoft’s support to boost the IT startup ecosystem in Telangana, reinforcing the state’s position as a leading innovation hub in India.