Chandrababu Too A Victim Of YCP’s Deep Fake Video!

As election fever reaches momentum in Telugu states, major political parties resort to severe criticisms against their political opponents. But this campaign touched a new low in social media. Particularly, the ruling YSRCP seems to be expertise in spreading `fake news’ against political opponents in social media.

In spreading such false notions, many a times going beyond limits by using advanced technical inputs. Attempts are going on portraying fake videos that make use of deep fake technology.

Very recently, TDP chief and former chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu became a victim of such a vicious campaign.  Just ahead of elections TDP and Jana Sena joined with BJP, becoming partners of NDA. Three of them after completion of seat sharing are now focusing on intensive campaigns in the polls.

However, the TDP was angry that the YCP social media intending to create mistrust among NDA partners, spread a fake video portraying Chandrababu using an unfair terminology against NDA partners.

The TDP alleged that the same deep-fake technology that became a sensation in the case of a heroine a few days ago was also used in the case of Chandrababu Naidu. The TDP accused YCP of editing the video as if Chandrababu had said that his party’s alliance with the BJP was temporary and spreading evil propaganda on social media.

Chandrababe himself stepped into action to clarify his stand on this issue. He expressed his grief that there is nothing worse than YCP social media portraying what he did not say. Moreover, he was furious that a false letter with his signature was created and circulated in his name.

Condemning such acts, he called upon people to be careful about such false propaganda and appealed not to fall into YCP’s trap. Chandrababu Naidu said that YCP is committing such misdeeds only out of fear of defeat. He appealed to the people to reverse the evil propaganda being done by YCP on social media platforms. The TDP has released a fabricated video using deep-fake technology and the original words spoken by him.

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