Chandrababu Says After 10 Years AP will Be No 1 In Development

Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu expressed confidence that Andhra Pradesh will become a leader in development in the next ten years. He said that AP has plenty of resources needed for development like water resources, mineral resources, extensive coastline, skilled human resources and fertile land.

Speaking at the NITI Aayog Governing Council meeting on Saturday, he mentioned the innovative proposal P-4 that he has been working on for some time. A positive response was received in the meeting when it was asked to implement it at the national level.

He explained that the country knows the benefits of public-private partnership (PPP), which has been implemented so far, but poverty eradication is possible only if the fourth ‘P’ is included to ensure the participation of the people.

He said that to achieve the goal of zero poverty proposed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, P-4 should be implemented. He said that if technology is used for the upliftment of the poor, there will be wonderful results.

He suggested giving highest priority to the linking of rivers. He recalled that in the past, connecting the roads through the Golden Quadrilateral achieved amazing results. Likewise, he proposed that the linking of the rivers is a historical need for the country. It has been suggested that a road map should be prepared at the national level on the interlinking of rivers.

Chandrababu explained that AP is enjoying the results of river linking through Pattiseema. He said that medical facilities should be provided to increase the living standards of the people and plans should be made for infrastructure development from the village level to the state level.

He said that a high population is not a country’s weakness but its strength. He described the youth as the greatest resource of our country. He said that miracles can be achieved if the youth is used properly.

Chandrababu clarified that it is not difficult for the country to achieve a GDP of 30 trillion dollars by 2047, and it is not impossible to achieve a GDP of 50 trillion dollars if our country’s wealth is properly utilized.

After the NITI Aayog meeting, Chandrababu said that he mentioned about ten issues in the meeting and explained the opportunities in AP. He thanked the Center for providing support to Polavaram and Amaravati and resolving the partition issues quickly.

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