Zurich: Andhra Pradesh Industries Minister TG Bharat’s remarks at a ‘Meet and Greet’ event hosted by the Telugu community in Zurich have sparked a controversy. Speaking at the event, Bharat expressed that in the future, Nara Lokesh would be the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, suggesting that this outcome was inevitable.
Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu, also present at the event, visibly displeased, reprimanded Minister Bharat for making personal comments in such a public forum. “What are you speaking about, and what is the purpose of our presence here? Please refrain from making irrelevant speeches,” Naidu said. He further emphasized that such comments should not be repeated in the future.
The event was attended by several key leaders, including Nara Lokesh, Minister for IT and Electronics, and Union Minister K. Rammohan Naidu.