Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu has formed a cabinet sub-committee on measures to be taken to prevent obscene posts in social media. The CM has issued orders to form a cabinet sub-committee under the leadership of Education Minister Nara Lokesh with Ministers Nadendla Manohar, Satyakumar Yadav and Home Minister Anita.
Minister Nadendla brought to the attention of the CM at a meeting of district collectors that obscene posts have increased on social media and that they are being posted without leaving out even women at home. He said that no one, including ministers and MLAs, are being left out. He urged Chandrababu to deal strictly with this and that the steps we take should be an example for the country.
To this extent, Chief Minister Chandrababu has formed a sub-committee and issued orders. On this occasion, CM Chandrababu deplored that “Criminals are threatening people under the guise of politicians. There is a situation in AP where indecent posts are being made on social media. Indecent posts are also being made on organizations like Brahma Kumaris”.
“A cabinet sub-committee is being formed to regulate social media. The cyber security department should be very strong. This should be handed over to those who are aware of cyber frauds and technology”, he added.
Chandrababu lamented that criminals have become a threat under the guise of politics. In order to stop cyber criminals, he said that the police should also use new knowledge. Awareness should be raised among the public by disclosing the investigation details of some cases, he added.
The Chief Minister suggested that there is a need to deal with new types of crimes separately. Teams should be formed to investigate digital crimes along with traditional crimes. There should be technical experts in the police or experts should be brought in from outside to solve the cases.
As more advanced CCTV cameras should be installed than the ones available now, he said that real-time crime and accident control can be done through CCTV cameras. The data coming from CCTV cameras should be used in real time and the policing should be effective.
He also directed that face recognition cameras should be installed in important areas to identify criminals. Random checks should be conducted through drones. More accidents are happening in some hot spots on the roads. That data should be analyzed and steps should be taken to prevent accidents.
The Chief Minister said that it should be checked whether CCTV cameras are present in all places. Cameras should be installed in temples and idols. The data of most wanted criminals should be put online.