Centre Responds To Kesineni Chinni on PMFBY Status In Andhra Pradesh

New Delhi: The Union Agriculture Ministry has clarified the status of the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) in Andhra Pradesh in response to a query raised by TDP MP Kesineni Chinni during the Lok Sabha’s question hour. 

The Ministry confirmed that the Andhra Pradesh government had discontinued the PMFBY scheme starting from the 2020 kharif season. However, following interventions by the Centre, the scheme was reinstated from the 2022 kharif season. 

During the 2022-23 season, a total of Rs. 563.36 crore was disbursed as compensation to 3.49 lakh farmers in the state, reflecting the scheme’s reimplementation and its impact on the agricultural sector.

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