In a significant decision ahead of the Sankranti festival, the Andhra Pradesh government had cleared a staggering payout of as much as Rs 6,700 crore. This move resulted in the financial bonanza bestowed upon various sectors, thereby clear long-pending dues across. Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu described this particular initiative as a ‘Sankranti gift to the people’.
The most prominent portion of the funds allocated will be to settle arrears to government employees amounting to Rs 1,300 crore. This includes Rs 519 crore towards clearing GPF arrears, Rs 214 crore toward surrender leave for police officers, Rs 300 crore for arrears to CPS, and Rs 265 crore toward TDS.
The education sector also gets a major share with Rs 788 crore, which is provided for fee reimbursements and scholarships for 6.5 lakh SC and ST students, to ensure continued educational opportunities for the marginalized communities and ease their financial burdens.
This would also ensure the energy sector benefits by settling the state’s outstanding bills for Rs 500 crore. Also, it has agreed to pay out Rs 400 crore in order to settle the payment towards the NTR Vaidya Seva scheme and would be providing Rs 100 crore in the health sector for medical supplies and pharmaceuticals dues.
Small contractors and micro-entrepreneurs will also receive substantial relief, with Rs 586 crore allocated to settle bills for contractors with amounts under Rs 5 lakh and Rs 10 lakh, benefitting around 26,000 contractors. Additionally, Rs 90 crore will be used to clear dues for 651 MSMEs and 6,000 micro-entrepreneurs.
Farmers who have given land for the Amaravati capital city and Gannavaram Airport expansion will also get Rs 241 crore in lease payments.
Finance Minister Payyavula Keshav used the occasion to attack the previous government headed by YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, pointing to a massive debt burden of Rs 10 lakh crore and unpaid dues for several central projects amounting to Rs 6,000 crore. He highlighted that the current government has cleared these debts and revived 73 central schemes to restore the state’s financial stability.
Minister Nara Lokesh also praised the decision, particularly the allocation of Rs 788 crore for educational scholarships and fee reimbursements, calling it a transformative step to support students from marginalized communities and ensure that they continue to have access to quality education.