The AP Cabinet has approved the transfer of Rs 700 crore from NCDC to the Civil Supplies Corporation for the procurement of Kharif grain for the year 2024-25. Chaired by Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu on Friday, it has decided to extend the earlier reduction in electricity tariff of AP ferro alloy producers for another six months.
The Cabinet has given the green signal for the opening of 63 more Anna canteens in 62 constituencies. It has been decided to form special committees for the management of Anna canteens and implement this scheme better. Permission has been given to set up a hydropower project on Thotapalli Barrage.
The Cabinet has taken another decision to waive stamp duty and registration fees for the development of industrial corridors in several villages of Rayalaseema, including Koparthi and Orvakal. It has approved the issuance of guidelines to provide 3 cents in rural areas and two cents in urban areas under the house to all the poor.
The beneficiaries should not have availed loans in any scheme in the past and Aadhaar card will be mandatory. It has decided to cancel the layouts given for the construction of houses in the past as they were not habitable and allocate them anew.
It has been decided to cancel the plots of those who have not built houses due to reasons like only a few houses being built in some layouts and the rest of the area being vacant and allocate them a place to build a house somewhere else.
Another decision has been taken to encourage the installation of solar power units, which are being promoted by the central and state governments. It has been decided to regularize the residential plots for the poor in the encroached areas that have no objections.
The cabinet also discussed the opportunities for increasing income in the state today. The CM discussed with the ministers on increasing income in agriculture as well as in allied departments.