Global star Ram Charan leads the cast in the high-budget film Game Changer, directed by the renowned filmmaker Shankar. Kiara Advani stars opposite Ram Charan in this eagerly anticipated movie, which is set to release worldwide on January 10 in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi. Produced by Dil Raju and Shirish under the banners of Sri Venkateswara Creations, Zee Studios, and Dil Raju Productions, the film promises to captivate audiences across multiple languages. As part of the ongoing promotions, actress Anjali spoke with the media and shared her thoughts on her role and the film:
On the release of two films for Sankranti:
Anjali shared her excitement about her films releasing during the festive season, stating, “It’s always a joyous occasion when a film releases for Sankranti. Game Changer in Telugu and Vishal’s film in Tamil are both releasing, and I am hopeful they will receive a great response.”
On her character in Game Changer:
Anjali’s character in Game Changer is named Parvati, which coincidentally is also her mother’s name. She revealed, “When Shankar sir told me the character’s name, it immediately reminded me of my mother. This character demanded a lot from me, and I believe I performed accordingly. Shankar sir praised my performance in several instances. I consider this my best character to date.”
On preparations for the role:
Anjali explained, “I didn’t prepare specifically for the character of Parvati. Shankar sir mentioned that there would be suspense and twists, so I can’t reveal much. The character felt very fresh, and it stayed with me long after filming. I believe this is the best character of my career.”
On the possibility of a National Award:
Addressing the speculation about a National Award for her performance, Anjali said, “When I first heard the story, I had the same feeling. If what everyone is saying is true, it would be an amazing achievement. I hope it comes true with God’s grace.”
On challenges faced during the portrayal of her character:
Anjali shared that the character’s backdrop was something entirely new to her: “As actors, we often draw from real-life experiences, but this character and its backdrop were entirely unfamiliar to me. It felt unique, and I had to work hard to convince the audience through my performance.”
On her journey with the Appanna character:
Describing her role, Anjali mentioned, “Shankar sir has shared a lot about my character, and it has a lot of soul. The audience will definitely feel the thrill when they see it on screen. The love and bond between Appanna and Parvati will be portrayed beautifully, which will be a highlight of the film.”
On working with Ram Charan:
Anjali praised Ram Charan’s professionalism, stating, “Ram Charan sir is very calm and approachable, both on and off-screen. He makes his co-stars feel comfortable and communicates well with everyone on set. This is my first film with Dil Raju sir’s banner and Shankar sir as the director, making Game Changer a special project for me.”
On Game Changer being a game changer for her career:
Reflecting on the film’s impact on her career, Anjali said, “This film has changed my perspective. I have learned so much during this journey. Going forward, I will be more cautious while choosing my roles. In that sense, Game Changer has been a game changer for me. I also heard that Chiranjeevi sir praised my performance after watching the film, and that feels like a huge recognition.”
On the song with Ram Charan:
Anjali also spoke about the song “Arugu Meeda,” which was released at the pre-release event. “It’s already trending on social media, and it’s everyone’s favorite. The song will be remembered forever, just like the tracks from Thaman’s previous films, such as Balupu and Vakeel Saab.”
On working with Dil Raju again:
Anjali expressed her joy about collaborating with Dil Raju once more, noting, “I’ve been part of great films under Dil Raju sir’s banner, like Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu and Vakeel Saab. Now, with Game Changer, it’s going to be another fantastic film. Sri Venkateswara Creations feels like my home banner.”