Pushpa actor Allu Arjun took the entire blame for the unfortunate stampede incident which led to the death of a woman and left her kid seriously injured. The actor was arrested by Telangana police last month and the issue kicked up a political row in Telangana for obvious reasons.
After receiving a lot of criticism, Allu Arjun stayed away from Pushpa 2 success celebrations and confined himself to home in Hyderabad after his release from bail. Meanwhile, the legal proceedings also picked up pace and his bail petition also came up for hearing in the Nampally district court.
While the suspense over the bail petition continues, it is reportedly heard that Allu Arjun is planning to take a long break before getting back on the sets. Sources revealed that Bunny couldn’t come out of the ignominy he faced in this case which happened not entirely for his wrongdoing. He is very shattered with the incidents that happened in his personal life the last one month.
While awaiting the legal proceedings in his case, Allu Arjun is said to have decided to take a long break from shootings. Reportedly, he might not shoot for his upcoming films until next six months. Bunny wants to go on a vacation with his wife and kids and come out of the personal trauma he has been facing since the incident came to light.
Bunny was supposed to work with Trivikram Srinivas for a big-budget entertainer after Pushpa 2. But, the start of this project is going to be delayed. He will set off for a vacation very soon and return to Hyderabad after a few weeks.