Kishan Reddy slams Revanth Reddy Diluting phone Tapping case

Union Minister and BJP Telangana State President Kishan Reddy has accused Chief Minister Revanth Reddy of diluting the phone tapping case that has created a sensation in the state. He demanded that the Revanth Reddy government hand over the case to the CBI and challenged that they will see how this case progresses.

He made it clear that even if the Congress party leaves this phone tapping case, the BJP will not leave it. Kishan Reddy teased Revanth Reddy on this occasion, saying, “Is there any BJP government abroad to bring Prabhakar Rao and Sravan Rao?”

Stating that the Congress party has a tradition of making dark deals, he reminded that the Congress party has made dark deals not only with the Majlis, BRS and Communist parties but also with anti-national forces. He stated that the BJP will do what it says and will say what it does. However, he said that they are not afraid of CM Revanth Reddy’s slaps.

The Union Minister was furious that CM Revanth Reddy was accusing him and recalled bringing the Regional Ring Road permission before Revanth Reddy became the CM. He expressed his anger that Revanth Reddy was talking too much, having degraded to the level of the Chief Minister.

He said that they cannot speak like him, that they have some high moral values. He said that they have been in the same party for many decades and have carried the same flag, and like Revanth Reddy, they have not changed parties and have not spoken a word for an hour.

Kishan Reddy teased Revanth Reddy by saying that even a devil could go to Sonia Gandhi and not hold her legs like a goddess. He expressed his anger that CM Revanth had betrayed the youth. He was furious that only the rulers had changed, not the governance.

He alleged that there is no difference in the style of functioning of both BRS and Congress governments in the state. He predicted that BJP would win three seats in the MLC elections to be held on March 27. He criticized Revanth Reddy for being angry because they all worked hard for the BJP in this election.

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