With just five days remaining for the Delhi Assembly elections, former Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has faced a significant setback as seven Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLAs resigned from the party. The legislators announced their decision to step down from AAP’s primary membership, citing a loss of confidence in Kejriwal and the party leadership.
MLAs Bhavna Gaur and Madan Lal submitted their resignation letters to AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal, stating their disillusionment with the party. “I have lost faith in you and the party, which is why I have taken this decision. Kindly accept my resignation,” Bhavna Gaur mentioned in her letter. Several MLAs also alleged corruption and internal issues within AAP through social media posts.
Madan Lal confirmed that six other MLAs had also resigned from the party’s primary membership. The resigning legislators include Rohit Mehrauliya (Trilokpuri), Rajesh Rishi (Janakpuri), Madan Lal (Kasturba Nagar), Naresh Yadav (Mehrauli), Pawan Sharma (Adarsh Nagar), and B.S. June (Bijwasan). They have submitted their resignation letters to Delhi Assembly Speaker Ram Niwas Goel.
Notably, AAP had not fielded any of these MLAs as candidates in the upcoming elections. Polling for all 70 Delhi Assembly constituencies is scheduled for February 5, with vote counting set for February 8.